講演者: Italo Capuzzo Dolcetta 氏 (University of Rome, La Spaienza)
題 名: Some properties of viscosity solutions of fully nonlinear elliptic equations
日 時: 2004年 1月 21日(水) 18:00〜
場 所: 早稲田大学 14号館 8階 807号室
The purpose of the talk is to present some recent developments of the
theory of viscosity solutions of fully nonlinear elliptic equations. The
topics touched in the talk will be
(a) Lipschitz continuity of solutions in some degenerate elliptic case
(joint work with M. Arisawa),
(b) Alexandrov-Bakelman-Pucci estimate and the Maximum Principle in
general domains (joint work with F. Leoni and A. Vitolo),
(c) Hadamard and Liouville properties (joint work with A. Cutri)
谷山 公規
石井 仁司
大野 修一
澤田 賢
柴田 良弘
鈴木 晋一
羽鳥 理
広中 由美子